Now showing items 21-30 of 707
Teachers’ struggles to use technology in career magnet schools
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
Do teachers expect the learning environment to change in response to new technology? Or do they expect the technology to adapt to their routine classroom practices? Or is it a combination of both? Underlying these questions ...
Developing outdoor physics projects using the activity theory framework
(University of Cyprus, 2008)
This paper presents the conceptualisation, implementation and evaluation of methodology of “outdoor physics” a
project in science teacher education at Umeå University, Sweden (see
Activity ...
Exploring the state of the art: surveying the Research landscape
(University of Cyprus, 2007)
This paper presents a high level review of the fields and techniques that researchers and practitioners can draw
upon to extend learning technology state of the art. The paper begins by describing some of the disciplines ...
The Need for a Genealogical Engagement with Literature Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment: A Case Study
Readers often approach texts as artifacts, metaphors for a regimented history that has already occurred and that has been crystallized into the present concept of �progress�.This paper suggests that Literature must be ...
Functional comprehension of concepts and Graphical representations in kinematics Supported by M.B.l. and simulations
(University of Cyprus, 2007)
The aim of this paper is the formulation of an instructive proposal for the conceptual comprehension of
phenomena of Kinematics in one dimension, in the Greek Lyceum, supported by: suitable laboratory activities
with the ...
Πως εξηγούν τα παιδιά τη διάλυση και την επίπλευση / βύθιση;
(Πανεπιστήμιο ΚύπρουUniversity of Cyprus, 2004)
Στην παρούσα έρευνα εξετάζονται οι τύποι των εξηγήσεων παιδιών προσχολικής ηλικίας
για την επίπλευση, τη βύθιση, και τη διάλυση. Η συλλογή των δεδομένων
πραγματοποιήθηκε μέσω ημι-δομημένων συνεντεύξεων με 30 παιδιά ...
Η όραση ενός αντικειμένου στη σκέψη των παιδιών προσχολικής ηλικίας: διδακτική προσέγγιση
(Πανεπιστήμιο ΚύπρουUniversity of Cyprus, 2004)
Η εργασία αυτή εξετάζει τα μαθησιακά εμπόδια, που έχουν τα παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας για την όραση ενός αντικειμένου καθώς και τη δυνατότητα αναδιοργάνωσης των εμποδίων αυτών με μια διδακτική προσέγγιση, που βασίζεται στη ...
The evolving use of information technology in a large canadian high school – what’s working and what’s not
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
This presentation provides an update on the evolving use of information technology (IT) in the classrooms of a large Canadian high school. The discussion concentrates on IT developments in the mathematics and science ...
Perc: a departmental solution for web-enhanced courses
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
Since the Fall of 1998, the department of Physics and Astronomy at Mississippi State University has been using and developing PERC (Providing Electronic Resources for Courses), a set of utilities that can be used to ...
Simulations, applets and learning in schools
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
This paper reviews the problem of establishing learning effects with computer simulation packages in science teaching. It is stated that evidence is accumulating about the effects of simulations in a laboratory environment ...