Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Integration of institutional repositories and e-learning platforms for supporting disabled students in the higher education context
Institutional repositories (IR) are usually used to archive and manage digital collections including research results, educational material, etc. Learning management systems (LMS) form a popular basis for e-learning and ...
Exploratory Research Regarding Faculty Attitudes towards the Institutional Repository and Self Archiving
Over the past year the Library of the TEI of Athens has launched an Institutional Repository containing Faculty's published and unpublished work, students’ theses and a major collection called “Institutional Archives”. The ...
Institutional repository policies: best practices for encouraging self-archiving
Over the past year, many Institutional Repositories have been launched by Greek Universities. In this framework, the Library of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens has designed and is launching an Institutional ...
Grey Literature, E-Repositories, and Evaluation of Academic and Research Institutes: the case study of BPI e-repository
A conference paper about the significance and role of the electronic repositories in evaluation of the academic and research institutes and universities presented at the 14th International Conference on Grey Literature ...
Developing Ontology for the University Archives: the Domain of Technological Education
The present study, is the outcome of the project: “Technological Educational Institute of Athens Library: Development of Digital Services” funded by the EU Digital Plan 2009-2013 programme. One of the programme's mandates ...
Scholar publications and open access policies: the Ktisis case
Throughout the world, academic libraries have come to the conclusion that the development of institutional repositories must be one of their major goals. Institutional repositories are the means for libraries to provide ...
Η μετεξέλιξη ενός αποθετηρίου κοινωνικών επιστημών: το παράδειγμα του Πάνδημου σε περιβάλλον Fedora
(Βιβλιοθήκη & Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών, 2013)
Η υλοποίηση ενός Ιδρυματικού Αποθετηρίου αποτελεί μία σύνθετη διαδικασία ανάλυσης των αναγκών του ακαδημαϊκού ιδρύματος που εξυπηρετεί, αξιολόγησης και επιλογής λογισμικού εφαρμογής, καθορισμού πολιτικών τεκμηρίωσης, ...
Integrating a Repository with Research Output and Publications: the case of the National Technical University of Athens
The paper describes the progress of the
main Institutional Repository (IR) of the National
Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and its current
development. The new challenges presented are the
enhancement of the repository ...
Contribution of self-archiving to the implementation of open access policies: the case of the Institutional Repository ESTIA of Harokopio University
Library and Information Centre of Harokopio University (LIC) in 2006 developed the institutional repository ESTIA, emphasizing on the documentation, the publication as well as the administrations’ approval in the context ...
Changing Roles of Health Librarians with Open Access Repositories
The aim is to explore how health library
and information professionals can expand their current
work roles by supporting open access initiatives
particularly the development of institutional
repositories. A role competency ...