Now showing items 31-40 of 93
Implementing enhanced OAI-PMH requirements for Europeana
Europeana has put in a stretch many known procedures in digital libraries, imposing requirements difficult to be implemented in many small institutions, often without dedicated systems support personnel. Although there are ...
Policy route map for academic libraries' digital content
This paper presents a policy decision tree for digital information management in academic libraries. The decision tree is a policy guide, which offers alternative access and reproduction policy solutions according to the ...
Term selection patterns for formulating queries: a user study focused on term semantics
This study aims at investigating query formulation and reformulation patterns within the search procedure focusing mainly on the semantic aspect of submitted queries. Results identified generalisations, specifications, ...
Policy decision tree for academic digital collections
We present the results of a questionnaire survey for the access and reproduction policies of 67 digital collections in 34 libraries (national, academic, public, special etc) from 13 countries. We examine and analyze the ...
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
The purpose of this study is to examine the Google facets, namely the suggestions found occasionally under the section "Searches related to" on the Google results page. The study focuses on whether they constitute good ...
An adaptable framework for integrating and querying sensor data
Sensor data generated by pervasive applications are very diverse and are rarely described in standard or established formats. Consequently, one of the greatest challenges in pervasive systems is to integrate heterogeneous ...
Visualising Negotiation communications in setting library sharing policies
Today's libraries provide a broad and diverse range of resources, from books to videos and databases, and sharing conditions for each depend on modality, source, and mode of usage. In this paper, we introduce and discuss ...
A semantics-based substitution for unsupported Z39.50 Bib-1 access points
Unsupported Z39.50 Access Points result to query failures and/or inconsistent answers, in spite of the protocol specification for a unified global access mechanism. A challenge to this issue is to substitute an unsupported ...
Eliminating query failures in a work-centric library meta-search environment
Purpose - This paper aims to describe how approaches such as semantic based query rewritings and FRBR work entities composition could solve existing problems and improve the overall behavior of a mediated based meta-search ...
A Case for Interaction between Hospital Librarians and Administration
Scholarly publishing of hospital personnel is a way of highlighting research and clinical work. It is a result of intense clinical practice and it includes data evaluated by the scientific community. Usually, bibliographic ...