• Approaching Information as an Integrated Field: educating Information Professionals 

      Κυριακή-Μάνεση, Δάφνη; Γιαννακόπουλος, Γεώργιος Α.; Ζέρβος, Σπύρος; Giannakopoulos, Georgios A.; Zervos, Sryridon; Kyriaki Manesi, Daphne (2011)
      This is a brief presentation of the framework and philosophy followed by the Department of Library Science and Information Systems in the development of its new curriculum. The belief that information organizations, such ...
    • Archiving as an Information Science. Evidence from a Survey Carried out on a Sample of Greek Students 

      Γιαννακόπουλος, Γεώργιος Α.; Κουμαντάκης, Ιωάννης; Giannakopoulos, Georgios A.; Koumantakis, Ioannis (2011)
      New technology has always been and certainly is today a key factor in the evolution of information. The emergence of archival science as an autonomous discipline and its integration into the wider field of information ...
    • In Search of Integrated Information 

      Γιαννακόπουλος, Γεώργιος Α.; Giannakopoulos, Georgios A. (2008)
      This article examines, from the viewpoint of archival science, the possibility of creating a common framework for information science in the academic and professional fields alike. Information management, both as an academic ...