Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Culture in Modern Times in the Frame of Luhmann’s System Theory 

      Χουρναζίδη, Αναστασία; Chournazidis, Anastasia (2011)
      In his System Theory Luhmann describes the transition to the Modern Times as an explosion from the uniformity of hierarchical classification to the diversity of hierarchical classification: a classification, which contains ...
    • Ktisis: building an open access institutional and cultural repository 

      Κουνούδη, Αλεξία- Ντίνη; Αρτέμη, Πέτρος; Ζέρβας, Μάριος; Kounoudes, Alexia Dini; Artemi, Petros; Zervas, Marios (2010)
      The unique value of cultural heritage has long been recognized together with the need for accurate and detailed information in order to preserve and manage cultural heritage material. Any organization whose mission includes ...
    • Managing Scientific Journals: a Cultural Viewpoint 

      Τερζή, Μαρίνα Κ.; Σακάς, Δαμιανός Π.; Σεϊμένης, Ιωάννης; Sakas, Damianos P.; Terzi, Marina C.; Seimenis, Ioannis (2011)
      The paper seeks to explore the role of Editors-in-chief (EiC) within the Library and Information Science, from a cultural view point. Specifically, the paper aims at identifying how the culture of EiC influences the course ...
    • The ptolemaic library project 

      Thompson, D.J. (2008)
      This paper discusses the foundation of the Library of Alexandria, probably to be dated under Ptolemy I, and argues for its location within the temple complex of the Mouseion. Modelled in part on Aristotle's library in ...