Investigations on a Bull's Head from Pyrgos/Mavroraki (LM) To Design the Biodiversity of Cyprus in Early-Middle Bronze Age
The site of Pyrgos-Mavroraki near Limassol in Cyprus, destroyed by an earthquake in 1900-1850 B. C., is situated in an elevated position in the center of a vast settlement of the ancient and Middle Bronze Age before the Calcolitic period. The unchanged position of the structures and the finds, that remained unknown for 4000 years near the homonym village, offers a unique opportunity to carry out sedimentological, paleopalinolocical and archeobotanic investigations on totally uncontaminated materials. The results of the sedimentological and paleopalynology investigations and the characterization of other plants micro remains found in the samples from the bull's head SL (PY 09 D.10 B) make it possible to formulate some considerations on the vegetation in the ancient landscape.
- Συνέδριο Euromed [68]