Building Standardized Digital Collections: resCarta Tools, a Demo
ResCarta Tools are a suite of open source software applications
which can assist in the creation of standardized digital objects.
ResCarta Tools are open and modular in their design. Modules for creating
digital objects store the metadata in Library of Congress METS/
MODS/MIX XML formats. Collection and indexing modules create
LUCENE indexes for high speed fielded and full text retrieval of objects.
The tools have been used to create digital collections from a variety of
analog and digital sources. Collections can be hosted on the web using
Apache TOMCAT and the ResCarta WEB application, which provides
inline metadata using COINS. Integrating the use of DLESE OAI is done
using the Collection Manager METS XML data. The tools have been
used by small public libraries to host a dozen pamphlets and aerospace
manufactures to host tens of thousands of documents and millions of