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dc.contributor.authorBressan, Federicaen
dc.contributor.authorCanazza, Sergioen
dc.contributor.authorSalvati, Danieleen
dc.coverage.spatialGR - Κέρκυραen
dc.descriptionΠεριέχει το πλήρες κείμενοel_GR
dc.description.abstractIn the sound archive field, a long-term maintenance of the collective human memory in its original form is not sustainable. All physical carriers are subject to degradation and the information stored on such carriers is bound to vanish. Only a re-mediation action can prevent precious knowledge from being permanently lost. We present the first results carried out by a joint cooperation project between the University of Verona and the Arena di Verona Foundation, with the scientific support of Eye- Tech (Udine, Italy), which aims at establishing a HW/SW platform with the purpose of preserving and restoring the Vicentini archive of the Arena Foundation.en
dc.relation.ispartofWorkshop on Exploring Musical Information Spacesen
dc.source13th European Conference, ECDL 2009en
dc.titleThe Vicentini sound archive of the Arena di Verona Foundation: a preservation and restoration projecten
dc.subject.JITAΔιαχείριση υπηρεσιών, λειτουργιών και τεχνικών πληροφόρησηςel_GR
dc.subject.JITAInformation treatment for information services, Information functions and techniquesen
dc.contributor.conferenceorganizerLaboratory on Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing, Department of Archives and Library Sciences, Ionian Universityen

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