Information technology for understanding Science (it for us)
The principal aim of the IT for US Project is to present teachers with a vision for the use of ICT in science
teaching which exploits the qualities of software tools for developing conceptual understanding of scientific
phenomena. A series of activities have been devised which illustrate how the uses of data-logging, modelling,
simulation and video capture may be integrated and how the comparison of results from different methods
facilitates the type of thinking and discussion which leads to better understanding. A common core of activity
providing numerous links involves the analysis of data in a graphical format. The potential of software for
securing learning gains depends crucially on the pedagogical actions of the teacher, as is the case in any
conventional teaching context. However, in the new context using ICT, teachers' pedagogical understanding
requires updating to exploit the new methods of investigating phenomena and visualising and analysing data. The
pedagogical commentaries developed by the project attempt to fulfil this need.