Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • A model of online teaching and learning 

      Coldwell, J.; Newlands, D.A. (Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
      Deakin University has a long history of supporting distance education with technology. Such presentations have matured from a mix of remote-login/FTP/email in the 1980s through web mediated access in the 1990s to ...
    • Telecommunications technologies and Curriculum development: the case of a virtual High school project 

      Vrasidas, Charalambos; Chamberlain, Richard; Zembylas, Michalinos (Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
      In this paper we present the lessons we learned from developing online classes for a virtual high school (LUDAVHS) project and discuss the implications for teaching science using telecommunication technologies. Emphasis ...