Models to support multimedia Courseware production
Many new technologies are now available for delivering and/or providing access to computer-based learning
(CBL) materials. These technologies vary in sophistication in many important ways - depending upon the
bandwidth that they provide, the interactivity that they offer and the types of end-user connectivity that they
support. Invariably, appropriate combinations of the available technologies are needed in order to produce the
most effective and efficient learning environment for any given application. Bearing this in mind, it is important
to consider how multimedia resources, interactivity and global connectivity can best be used in order to produce a
software product that best fulfils the requirements identified in any given courseware requirements specification.
In this paper we discuss the types of model that are needed to create effective interactive, multimedia courseware.
We also indicate the nature of the interactions that exist between these models and the ways in which these can be
used to optimise the trade-offs that are inherent in the creation of multimedia CBL materials.