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dc.contributor.authorXydia, Stephaniaen
dc.contributor.authorAngelaki, Georgiaen
dc.contributor.authorElmaloglou, Juliaen
dc.descriptionΠεριέχει το πλήρες κείμενο.el_GR
dc.description.abstract2018 marked the year of the relocation of the National Library of Greece (NLG) from a centrally located 19th century neoclassical building, where it had been housed since 1903, to its new seaside premises at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC). After being in a state of neglect for almost 20 years, the NLG had to undergo a major transformation before it could move and be able to function in the new building; the collections had to be prepared for safe relocation, new services had to be designed, the public image of the Library needed to be revisited and staff skills had to be developed. The transition of the NLG to the new building was made possible thanks to a designated grant of €5 million from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF). The Transition Programme was carried out between 2015 and 2018 and was divided in 5 actions: 1. Collections Transition and Development, 2. Digital Services Development, 3. Public Library Department Design, 4. Audience Development and 5. Staff Training. The current paper gives an overview of this large scale, cross-sectoral Public-Private-People Partnership, focusing on the multidisciplinary projects that were designed and implemented, key challenges and successes, innovations and open-ended issues.en
dc.sourceSpringer Linken
dc.sourceInternational Conference on Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modeling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritageen
dc.titleCross-Sector Collaboration for Organizational Transformation: the Case of the National Library of Greece Transition Programme to the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (2015–2018)en
dc.typeConference Objecten
dc.subject.uncontrolledtermTransition managementen
dc.subject.uncontrolledtermLibrary innovationen
dc.subject.uncontrolledtermDigital transformationen
dc.subject.uncontrolledtermAudience developmenten
dc.subject.uncontrolledtermPublic-Private-People partnershipsen
dc.subject.uncontrolledtermOrganizational changeen
dc.subject.uncontrolledtermService designen
dc.subject.JITAΒιομηχανία, επάγγελμα και εκπαίδευσηel_GR
dc.subject.JITAIndustry, profession and educationen

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