Geospatial Collections in Institutional Repositories (IRs): a survey in Map/GIS Libraries
Changes in scholarly publishing along with the rapid developments in technology are
affecting user expectations and forcing academic libraries to significant changes in
providing access to geospatial data and develop new services. Institutional
Repositories (IRs) are considered effective tools for showcasing an organization’s
scientific research by making it publicly available.
The aim of this study was to determine the awareness of the development of locally
produced geospatial data in an institutional repository, among the Map/GIS libraries
of the western world. Anonymous survey of 56 questions, divided in 6 sections and
covering several topics, was sent to Map/GIS libraries, members of Map and
Libraries’ Organizations of western world. The survey took place on July and October
2015 after two phases of pilot distribution. Out of 382 questionnaires we sent, a total
of 80 were finally adequate to be used. This paper will present those results related
with the collection of geospatial data in the IR (36 responses) produced by the
members of library’s academic community.