• The 9th International Web Archiving Workshop (IWAW 2009) 

      Laboratory on Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing, Department of Archives and Library Sciences, Ionian University (2009)
    • AMELib – ο δρόμος από μία προσβάσιμη πλατφόρμα σε μια συμπεριληπτική εκπαίδευση 

      Δαφέρμου, Ειρήνη-Μαρίνα; Λεωνιδάκος, Σίμος; Μπράττης, Παντελής; Μαϊστρέλης, Κώστας; Dafermou, Eirini-Marina; Brattis, Pantelis; Maistrelis, Kostas; Leonidakos, Simos (Βιβλιοθήκη & Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης ΑΠΘ, 2017-11-15)
      Σκοπός της AMELib είναι η παροχή προσβάσιμων βιβλίων και υπηρεσιών στους εντυπο-ανάπηρους χρήστες του Δικτύου. Το Συνεργατικό Δίκτυο λειτουργεί στο πλαίσιο του Σ.Ε.Α.Β. και συμμετέχουν η Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη, το Κέντρο ...
    • The American library association: promoting information power and equal access 

      Aramayo, Susan (Ένωση Ελλήνων Βιβλιοθηκαρίων, 2003)
    • Ancient Greek libraries 

      Buchanan, Dennis (1986)
      The problems of studying the libraries of Ancient Greece, caused by the lack of physical evidence of their existence, are discussed. Particular attention is given to the library at Alexandria.
    • Ancient Libraries 

      Woolf, Greg; Oikonomopoulou, Aikaterini; König, Jason (Cambridge University Press, 2013)
      The circulation of books was the motor of classical civilization. However, books were both expensive and rare, and so libraries - private and public, royal and civic - played key roles in articulating intellectual life. ...
    • Archives bancaires en Grece. Bank archives in Greece 

      Κράους, Αλέξης; Kraus, Alexis (1989)
      Summarises the role of the archives of the National Bank of Greece in promoting archival modernisation and development in the country.
    • Assessing use intention and usability of mobile devices in a hybrid environment 

      Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Βερονίκης, Σπύρος; Τσάκωνας, Γιάννης; Veronikis, Spyros; Tsakonas, Giannis; Papatheodorou, Christos (2011)
      During the last decades many information providers, such as libraries, have been collecting, organizing and delivering information in both print and digital format, forming a hybrid information environment. However, ...
    • Assistive Technologies in Greek Libraries 

      Κουλικούρδη, Άννα; Koulikourdi, Anna (2008)
      To investigate the current use of assistive technologies (AT) in Greek libraries, unveil the relationship between AT suppliers and library authorities and achieve a better understanding of companies' and libraries' ...
    • Building a New Library: forget the answers, Remember the Questions 

      Τσιμπόγλου, Φίλιππος Χ.; Tsimpoglou, Filippos Ch. (2012)
    • Building Europeana v1.0: towards a Large-Scale Content Ingestion 

      Verleyen, Julie (2009)
      Europeana version 1.0 is an EU project that will develop a fully operational Europeana website. This will allow users to access over 10 million digital items from Europe’s rich cultural and scientific heritage by 2010. This ...
    • Chance Encounters in the Digital Library 

      Elaine, Toms G.; McCay-Peet, Lori (2009)
      While many digital libraries focus on supporting defined tasks that require targeted searching, there is potential for enabling serendipitous discovery that can serve multiple purposes from aiding with the targeted search ...
    • Change and innovation in European library and information science education 

      Virkus, S. (2015)
      This review article examines current trends and developments in higher education and considers how library and information science institutions have responded to these. The contribution of LIS institutions to innovation ...
    • Changes and developments in Greek libraries 

      Παπάζογλου, Αλεξάνδρα; Σεμερτζάκη, Εύα (Σεμερτζάκη-Κούτρα, Εύα); Semertzaki, Eva (Semertzaki-Koutra, Eva); Papazoglou, Alexandra (2001)
      Greek libraries have experienced a tremendous evolution towards modernization in recent years. The lack of tradition in libraries and the existence of an educational system based on the single textbook did not favour the ...
    • Changing Greek libraries: a continuous dialogue 

      Glossiotis, Georgios; Vassilakaki, Evgenia; Semertzaki, Eva (Semertzaki-Koutra (2019)
      In the era of radical socio-economic-technological developments, the Library and Information Science sector in Greece is undergoing a series of changes in a dialectic relation with technological changes. Libraries in Greece ...
    • Chaos in the library environment 

      Κατσιρίκου, Ανθή; Katsirikou, Anthi (2001)
      Describes the impact of chaos theory in social systems and the phenomena that result from it, drawing attention to related phenomena in the state of the library today. Then considers the factors that lead library systems ...
    • Charting the Digital Library Evaluation Domain with a Semantically Enhanced Mining Methodology 

      Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Τσάκωνας, Γιάννης; Σφακάκης, Μιχάλης; Παπαχριστόπουλος, Λεωνίδας; Καζαδέης, Γιάννης; Αφιοντζή, Ελένη; Afiontzi, Eleni; Kazadeis, Giannis; Papachristopoulos, Leonidas; Sfakakis, Michalis; Tsakonas, Giannis; Papatheodorou, Christos (2013)
      The digital library evaluation field has an evolving nature and it is characterized by a noteworthy proclivity to enfold various methodological orientations. Given the fact that the scientific literature in the specific ...
    • Choice of Library and Information Science in a rapidly changing information landscape 

      Βασιλακάκη, Ευγενία; Μονιάρου-Παπακωνσταντίνου, Βαλεντίνη; Τσατσαρώνη, Άννα; Vasilakaki, Evgenia; Moniarou-Papaconstantinou, Valentini; Tsatsaroni, Anna (2015)
      Library and Information Science (LIS) has for a long time tried to gain legitimacy. In an ever changing environment due to technological and economic developments, the motivations behind choice of LIS are still of great ...
    • Collaborative Ownership in Cross-Cultural Educational Digital Library Design 

      Ngimwa, Pauline; Adams, Anne; Underwood, Josh (2009)
      This paper details research into building a Collaborative Educational Resource Design model by investigating two contrasting Kenyan / UK design case-studies and an evaluation of end-users and designers’ perceptions of ...
    • A Concept for Using Combined Multimodal Queries in Digital Music Libraries 

      Damm, David; Kurth, Frank; Fremerey, Christian; Clausen, Michael (2009)
      In this paper, we propose a concept for using combined multimodal queries in the context of digital music libraries. Whereas usual mechanisms for content-based music retrieval only consider a single query mode, such as ...
    • Conceptual Discovery of Educational Resources through Learning Objectives 

      Sutton, Stuart A.; Golder, Diny (2009)
      This poster reports on current work with the NSF-funded Achievement Standards Network (ASN) to support discovery of educational resources in digital libraries using conceptual graphs of officially promulgated achievement standards ...