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dc.contributor.authorVardakosta, Ifigeniaen
dc.descriptionΠεριέχει το πλήρες κείμενο.el
dc.description.abstractPolicies implementation has always affected Map/GIS libraries. Those policies influence their operation and determine the type and level of the provided services. The conduction of a collaborative partnership among libraries can considered as a policy action, a characteristic that indicates their dynamic nature. Recently, the global financial crisis engaged libraries to develop synergies in order to achieve benefits for their users. Although Greek libraries have significant geographical collections, of both contemporary and cultural heritage maps, the public and private sectors create and publish large sets of geospatial data, the patrons finds difficulties in accessing and using the appropriate material. Surveys, in particular, highlight the discomfort of geographical information users about the collections and services offered by libraries. Meanwhile, librarians in Greece appear to be unable to adequately guide their users to the proper geographical sources and tools to process the geographical data they need. This paper, points out the importance of collaborations towards an organized development of geographical collections using as a case study the Greek academic libraries. More specifically, there are academic libraries that serve departments where geographic information is an essential component of the educational and research process. Those particular libraries have built coordinated collaborative efforts regarding the organization, development and dissemination of their collections. The aforementioned collaborations displayed in the present study. Additionally, the paper will present the main purpose of the collaboration movement, the basic principles that underpin it, the achievements that the members managed to succeed and its future activities.en
dc.source5th International Cartographic Association Conference on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage, 22nd MAGIC Conference on Challenges in Modern Map Librarianship, Budapest (Hungary), 6-7 May 2021en
dc.titleCooperation as a policy factor for strategic development of a geographical collection: the case of Greek academic librariesen
dc.typeConference objecten
dc.subject.uncontrolledtermAcademic librariesen
dc.subject.uncontrolledtermGreek Map/GIS librariesen
dc.subject.uncontrolledtermGeographical collectionsen
dc.subject.uncontrolledtermGreek Geographical Libraries Groupen
dc.subject.JITAΔιαχείριση, Συνεργασίαel
dc.subject.JITAManagement, Co-operationen

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