Now showing items 1495-1514 of 18617

    • Dionysos event 

      Unknown author (Βιβλιοθήκη Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, 2015-03-02)
    • Directory 1978 

      Στέλλα Σουλιώτη / Stella Soulioti (Βιβλιοθήκη Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, 1978)
    • Directory of Hellenic Academic and Research Entities (D.H.A.R.E.) 

      Δέρβος, Δημήτρης; Ευαγγελίδης, Γεώργιος; Ντονάς, Κωνσταντίνος; Νίτσος, Ηλίας; Πετρίδης, Θάνος; Dervos, Dimitris; Evangelidis, Georgios; Nitsos, Ilias; Ntonas, Konstantinos; Petridis, Thanos (2015)
      The Directory of Hellenic Academic and Research Entities (DHARE for short) comprises an act undertaken under the Hellenic Libraries Link (HEAL-Link) project titled "Advanced Services for Open Access Digital Libraries" ...
    • The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): purpose, development, usage 

      Bjornshauge, Lars (Βιβλιοθήκη και Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας, 2008)
    • Disaster management approaches for academic libraries: an issue not to be neglected in Greece 

      Κωσταγιόλας, Πέτρος; Αρακά, Ηλιάνα; Θεοδώρου, Ρωξάνα; Μπώκος, Γιώργος Δ.; Araka, Iliana; Theodorou, Roxana; Kostagiolas, Petros; Bokos, George D. (2011)
      Although issues on disaster prevention have extensively been studied in the literature and have been embedded in everyday library practices all over the world, the vast majority of Greek libraries have not developed any ...
    • The DiSCmap Project: overview and First Results 

      Birrell, Duncan; Dobreva, Milena; Dunsire, Gordon; Griffiths, Jillian; Hartley, Richard; Menzies, Kathleen (2009)
      Traditionally, digitisation of cultural and scientific heritage material for use by the scholarly community has been led by supply rather than demand. The DiSCmap project commissioned by JISC in 2008, aimed to study what ...
    • Discovering Current Practices for Records of Historic Buildings and Mapping them to Standards 

      Αγαθός, Μιχαήλ; Καπιδάκης, Σαράντος; Agathos, Michail; Kapidakis, Sarantos (2011)
      The existence of historic building records in “paper fiches” is a reality and constitutes a rich store of information about the past, some of it unique. In this paper we present the results of a survey aimed to discover ...
    • Discovering the structure and impact of the digital library evaluation domain 

      Παπαχριστόπουλος, Λεωνίδας; Τσάκωνας, Γιάννης; Σφακάκης, Μιχάλης; Κλειδης, Νικος; Λένης, Σέργιος; Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Papachristopoulos, Leonidas; Tsakonas, Giannis; Boudourides, Moses; Sfakakis, Michalis; Kleidis, Nikos; Lenis, Sergios; Papatheodorou, Christos (2017-06)
      The multidimensional nature of digital libraries evaluation domain poses several challenges to the research communities that intend to assess criteria, methods, products and tools, and also practice them. The amount of ...
    • Discovering the Topical Evolution of the Digital Library Evaluation Community 

      Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Παπαχριστόπουλος, Λεωνίδας; Κλειδης, Νικος; Σφακάκης, Μιχάλης; Τσάκωνας, Γιάννης; Papachristopoulos, Leonidas; Kleidis, Nikos; Sfakakis, Michalis; Tsakonas, Giannis; Papatheodorou, Christos (2015)
      The successful management of textual information is a rising challenge for all the researchers’ communities, in order firstly to assess its current and previous statuses and secondly to enrich the level of their metadata ...
    • Discovering user communities on the Internet using unsupervised machine learning techniques 

      Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Καρκαλέτσης, Β.; Σπυρόπουλος, Γ.Δ.; Παλιούρας, Γ.; Papatheodorou, Christos; Karkaletsis, V.; Spyropoulos, C.D.; Paliouras, G. (2002)
      Contribution to special issue on intelligence and interaction in community based systems (Part 1). Argues for the usefulness of constructing communities of users with common behaviour, making use of machine learning ...
    • Disiecta Membra: construction and reconstruction in a digital catalog of Greek sculpture 

      Smith, A C (2000)
      Article included in Part 2 of a special issue devoted to the theme: Metadata and organizing educational resources on the Internet. Ancient sculpture is fragmentary. Some sculptures exist only in pieces, others have been ...
    • Distance learning as a new method for studying the earth sciences in high school 

      Gudovitch, Y.; Orion, N. (Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
      The aim of this research was to develop a computerized distance-learning unit that will fit the needs of the Israeli high-school earth-science syllabus. the ability of students to conduct lab-activities as a part of a ...
    • Distance learning in mathematics education between two primary schools in cyprus 

      Anastasiades, P.S.; Christou, C.; Hambiaouris, C.; Georgiou, S.; Papadopoulou, E.; Papachristou, K. (Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
      During the school year 2001-2002, the Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus, in cooperation with the Department of Education, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Bank of Cyprus, implemented ...
    • Distance learning via internet in maths And science for primary and lower secondary schools pupils 

      Černochová, Miroslava; Siňor, Stanislav (Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)
      The paper describes experiences with distance education in Maths and Science organised by the student teachers for Primary and Lower Secondary School Pupils who cannot attend school education because they stay a long time ...
    • Distant and computer-assistant education in rgotups 

      Demchenko, A.; Silina, E.; Fokin, V.; Pribylov, N.; Klimova, D.; Nedostaev, V. (University of Zilina, 2005)
      Specifics of education in our university: most of the students are taking correspondence and moonlighting courses, a vast educational area – more than 30 towns of European Russia, - made e-learning technologies extremely ...
    • Distributed Data Management System for the needs of distributed internet- based performance-centered enviroment for learning and development 

      Tokmakov, Dimitar; Mileva, Nevena (University of Zilina, 2005)
      This paper presents the design of Distributed Data Management System (DDMS) for the needs of Distributed Internet-based Performance-centred Environment for Learning and Development (DIPELD) which applies the model of ...
    • Distributed Information and Computation in Scientific and Engineering Environments 

      Πατρικαλάκης, Νικόλας Μ.; Ιωαννίδης, Γιάννης; Fortier, Paul J.; Patrikalakis, Nicholas M.; Ioannidis, Yannis; Nikolaou, Christos; Νικολάου, Χρήστος (1999)
      The National Science Foundation Invitational Workshop on Distributed Information, Computation, and Process Management for Scientific and Engineering Environments (DICPM) brought together domain specialists from engineering ...
    • Distributed system for the acquisition of skills in java programming 

      Čierny, Marián; Bandáková, Jana; Samuelis, Ladislav (University of Zilina, 2005)
      This contribution describes briefly a distributed application, which main aim is to support testing procedures of students’ during their Java programming skills acquisition and to introduce them interactively into the ...
    • Divergence and convergence within Greek library education: An applied vs a theoretical approach 

      Κυριακή-Μάνεση, Δάφνη; Kyriaki Manesi, Daphne (2008)
      This paper explores the differences and similarities of the three library schools educating librarians and information professionals in Greece. The structure of higher education in Greece has recently undergone major changes ...
    • Diversity and Taxonomy in Cultural Heritage 

      Myridis, N. E. (Multi Science Publishing, 2012-10-29)
      The discipline of Cultural Heritage is nowadays developing very well. Moreover, the field of Cultural Heritage Preservation is also developing well. The necessity of well-organized taxonomy and classification now seems to ...