Now showing items 1706-1725 of 18617

    • Eurovoc ένας χρήσιμος ευρωπαϊκός θησαυρός στο Διαδίκτυο 

      Πριναράκης, Ελευθέριος-Βενιζέλος; Σπηλιοπούλου, Ελένη; Καπερναράκου, Χαρίκλεια-Βαρβάρα; Λάππα, Ευαγγελία; Prinarakis, Eleftherios-Venizelos; Spiliopoulou, Ellen; Kapernarakou, Xarikleia Barbara; Lappa, Evagelia (Ένωση Ελλήνων Βιβλιοθηκαρίων, 2010)
    • Evagoras Pallikarides, A symbol of the struggle : Evagoras Pallikarides, Family Home - Museum, Tsada - Paphos 

      Council of Historic Memory of the EOKA Struggle 1955-1959; Ministry of Education and Culture (Press and Information Office, 2011-06-08)
      Evagoras Pallikandes was born on 27 February 1938 in his mother's village of Tsada in the district of Paphos. His father was from the village of Larnaka tis Lapithou in the Kyrenia district Pallikarides was the fourth of ...
    • Evaluating and recommending Greek newspapers’ websites using clustering 

      Κανελλόπουλος, Δημήτριος; Κοτσιάντης, Σωτήρης; Kanellopoulos, Dimitris; Kotsiantis, Sotiris (2012)
      The aim of this work is to evaluate Greek newspaper websites using clustering and a number of criteria obtained from the Alexa search engine. Furthermore, a recommendation approach is proposed for matching Greek online ...
    • Evaluating authoritative sources using social networks: an insight from Wikipedia 

      Μπώκος, Γιώργος Δ.; Κορφιάτης, Νικόλαος; Πούλος, Μάριος Σ.; Korfiatis, Nikolaos; Poulos, Marios S.; Bokos, George D. (2006)
      The purpose of this paper is to present an approach to evaluating contributions in collaborative authoring environments, and in particular, Wikis using social network measures. Design/methodology/approach – A social network ...
    • Evaluating search engines. A comparative study between international and Greek SE by Greek librarians 

      Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ; Garoufallou, Emmanouel (2012)
      Purpose - The use of search engines is the most widely acceptable way for information foraging on the net. Their wide use as an information retrieval tool has created the need for their evaluation as a means of improving ...
    • Evaluating the NTUA institutional repository 

      Κουλούρης, Αλέξανδρος; Κόκκινος, Διονύσης; Αναγνωστόπουλος, Άγγελος; Ζιδρόπουλος, Σπηλιοπαναγιώτης; Anagnostopoulos, Angelos; Koulouris, Alexandros; Zidropoulos, Spilios; Kokkinos, Dionysis (2008)
      The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), through its Central Library, offers an Institutional Repository (IR) and ETD submission service, currently operating in a pilot testing period. The main objectives of ...
    • Evaluation 11_Education and marriage 

      Στέλλα Σουλιώτη / Stella Soulioti
    • Evaluation 12_Three freedoms 

      Στέλλα Σουλιώτη / Stella Soulioti
    • Evaluation and usage scenarios of open source digital library and collection management tools 

      Λαζαρίνης, Φώτης; Γκούμας, Γεώργιος; Lazarinis, Fotis; Gkoumas, Georgios (2015)
      The purpose of this paper is to evaluate open source software (OSS) for digital libraries and collection management and to propose different utilization scenarios based on the characteristics of the tools. Design/methodo ...
    • Evaluation in Context 

      Kamps, Jaap; Lalmas, Mounia; Larsen, Birger (2009)
      All search happens in a particular context—such as the particular collection of a digital library, its associated search tasks, and its associated users. Information retrieval researchers usually agree on the importance ...
    • Evaluation Insights to Key Processes of Digital Repositories 

      Κουμούτσος, Κωνσταντίνος; Μητρέλης, Άγγελος; Τσάκωνας, Γιάννης; Mitrelis, Angelos; Tsakonas, Giannis; Koumoutsos, Konstantinos (2010)
      Digital repositories are considered essential information tools for scholarly communication. Their acceptability and extensive use by communities and institutions, as well as the users’ commitment in self-archiving, highlight ...
    • Evaluation of courseware and learning environments in an electromagnetics course enhanced by computer assisted instruction 

      Martín i Batlle, Cristina; de Bruijn, Imme; Mul de, Frits F.M. (Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)
      At the University of Twente the first year electromagnetism course has been restructured. A web-based course consisting of different exercises (most of them using a link with Maple) and PowerPoint presentations has ...
    • Evaluation of digital libraries 

      Τσάκωνας, Γιάννης; Καπιδάκης, Σαράντος; Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Landoni, Monica; Micsik, András; Sølvberg, Ingeborg T.; Tsakonas, Giannis; Kapidakis, Sarantos; Papatheodorou, Christos; Fuhr, Norbert; Klas, Claus-Peter; Agosti, Maristella; Peters, Carol; Aalberg, Trond; Hansen, Preben; Kovács, László (2007)
      Digital libraries (DLs) are new and innovative information systems, under constant development and change, and therefore evaluation is of critical importance to ensure not only their correct evolution but also their ...
    • The evaluation of elearning study supports 

      Šarmanová, Jana; Kapounová, Jana (University of Cyprus, 2010)
      eLearning has become a phenomenon of the current learning knowledge society. Within our project “Evaluation of eLearning – System Approach” we are looking for the tools which can be used for the system evaluation of ...
    • Evaluation of supporting courseware by means of online and offline questionnaires 

      de Bruijn, Imme (Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)
      A template for worked out problems and tutorials on the internet, as presented in former CBLIS conferences, was recently extended with an evaluation system. At the end of a session the student is prompted to fill in a ...
    • Evaluation of the Envrionmental Features of Vernacular Architecture. A Case Study in Cyprus 

      Philokyprou, M.; Michael, A. (Multi Science Publishing, 2012-10-29)
      Traditional settlements are by definition sustainable in relation to their environmental context and available resources. This paper investigates the environmental behaviour of vernacular architecture and the identification ...
    • An evaluation of the use of subject based information gateways: case study ADAM 

      Μονόπωλη, Μαρία; Nicholas, David; Monopoli, Maria (Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνίο, 2000)
      Nowadays, end-users have quick and direct access to a massive amount of information available on the net. However, this information is unorganised expecting users to be able to identify and evaluate it in accordance with ...
    • Evaluation_Transitional provisions 

      Στέλλα Σουλιώτη / Stella Soulioti