Now showing items 2886-2905 of 18617

    • Managing Intellectual Capital in Libraries and Information Services 

      Κωσταγιόλας, Πέτρος; Ασωνίτης, Στέφανος; Asonitis, Stefanos; Kostagiolas, Petros (2011)
      Intellectual capital is the set of all intangible assets, that is, invisible, non-monetary assets held by a library, which can be identified as separate assets. Intellectual capital has become the buzzword of a knowledge-based ...
    • Managing Intellectual Capital in Libraries: beyond the balance sheet 

      Κωσταγιόλας, Πέτρος; Kostagiolas, Petros (Chandos, 2012)
    • Managing knowledge capital in public libraries for a knowledge-driven socioeconomic environment 

      Κωσταγιόλας, Πέτρος; Kostagiolas, Petros (Οργανωτική Επιτροπή Ενίσχυσης Βιβλιοθηκών, 2012)
      Intellectual capital and public libraries are closely related in our experiences and in our minds. In this viewpoint, the libraries and the information professionals, consciously or unconsciously, have been deeply involved ...
    • Managing Scientific Journals: a Cultural Viewpoint 

      Τερζή, Μαρίνα Κ.; Σακάς, Δαμιανός Π.; Σεϊμένης, Ιωάννης; Sakas, Damianos P.; Terzi, Marina C.; Seimenis, Ioannis (2011)
      The paper seeks to explore the role of Editors-in-chief (EiC) within the Library and Information Science, from a cultural view point. Specifically, the paper aims at identifying how the culture of EiC influences the course ...
    • Managing teachers’ practicum in initial teacher preparation using an elearning platform 

      Zacharia, Zacharias C.; Evagorou, Maria; Constantinou, Constantinos P.; Papaevripidou, Marios; Kyratsi, Theodora (University of Zilina, 2005)
      This research study focuses on the development and evaluation of the Learning Space Platform as a resource for the improvement of the pre-service Teachers’ Practicum. The Teachers’ Practicum is a compulsory course for ...
    • Managing the Knowledge Creation Process of Large-Scale Evaluation Campaigns 

      Dussin, Marco; Ferro, Nicola (2009)
      This paper discusses the evolution of large-scale evaluation campaigns and the corresponding evaluation infrastructures needed to carry them out. We present the next challenges for these initiatives and show how digital ...
    • MAP 0-kwzawg 

      Unknown author
    • Map 1936 summer Olympic games countries 

      Unknown author (Βιβλιοθήκη Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, 1936)
    • Map 1948 Olympic games 

      Unknown author (Βιβλιοθήκη Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, 1948)
    • Map for Boston Marathon 

      Unknown author
    • Map tumblr 

      Unknown author
    • Mapping audiovisual content providers and resources in Greece 

      Malliari, Aphrodite; Nitsos, Ilias; Zapounidou, Sofia; Doropoulos, Stavros (2022)
      In Greece, there are many audiovisual resources available on the Internet that interest scientists and the general public. Although freely available, finding such resources often becomes a challenging task, because they ...
    • Mapping cultural metadata schemas to CIDOC conceptual reference model 

      Γεργατσούλης, Μανώλης; Μπουντούρη, Λίνα; Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Γαϊτάνου, Πανωραία; Gergatsoulis, Manolis; Gaitanou, Panorea; Bountouri, Lina; Papatheodorou, Christos (2010)
      Managing heterogeneous data is a challenge for cultural heritage institutions as they host and develop various collections with heterogeneous types of material, described by different metadata schemas. In this paper, we ...
    • Mapping Derivative Relationships from RDA to BIBFRAME 2 

      Zapounidou, Sofia; Sfakakis, Michalis; Papatheodorou, Christos (2019)
      Semantic interoperability between Resource Description and Access (RDA) and BIBFRAME models is of great interest to the library community. In this context, this work investigates the mapping of core entities, inherent and ...
    • Mapping Encoded Archival Description to CIDOC CRM. 

      Μπουντούρη, Λίνα; Γεργατσούλης, Μανώλης; Gergatsoulis, Manolis; Bountouri, Lina (2011)
      In this paper we analyze the semantics of the archival description, expressed through the Encoded Archival Description. Through this analysis it is concluded that an EAD document is a hierarchy of documentation elements ...
    • Mapping objects 

      Ιωαννίδης, Γιάννης; Πεντάρης, Φραγκίσκος; Ioannidis, Yannis; Pentaris, Fragkiskos (2004)
      We present a technique that is based on volatile mapping objects and enables wrappers-based mediation architectures to describe bi-directional (read– write) interschema mappings of multiple, disparate data sources. We ...
    • Mapping the Hierarchy of EAD to VRA Core 4.0 Through CIDOC CRM 

      Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Γεργατσούλης, Μανώλης; Μπουντούρη, Λίνα; Σπανουδάκης, Δημήτριος; Γαϊτάνου, Πανωραία; Gaitanou, Panorea; Gergatsoulis, Manolis; Spanoudakis, Dimitrios; Bountouri, Lina; Papatheodorou, Christos (2016)
      Metadata interoperability requires the development of mappings and crosswalks between different schemas. Crosswalks development is a laborious and complex task especially when metadata of compound objects include hierarchical ...
    • Mapping Tool For Matching Assessment To Graduate Qualities And To Course Objectives 

      Fursenko, Frank; Gelade, Susan; Dansie, Brenton; Itzstein, G. Stewart; Wing Li, Kam; Wahlstrom, Kirsten (University of Zilina, 2005)
      Many universities have embraced e-learning with all the benefits that this new technology brings to education. However, most researchers focus on the development of course content and its presentation. Few researchers focus ...
    • Mapping Urban Narratives, the extremes of the everyday 

      Zisimopoulou, Katerina; Voreakou, Myrto Maria (2012-07)
    • Mapping VRA Core 4.0 to the CIDOC CRM ontology 

      Γαϊτάνου, Πανωραία; Γεργατσούλης, Μανώλης; Gaitanou, Panorea; Gergatsoulis, Manolis (2011)
      In this paper, we present an e ffort to semantically map VRA Core 4.0, a cultural heritage metadata schema describing visual resources, to CIDOC CRM. This work is based on a semantic integration scenario, where CIDOC CRM ...