A user evaluation of subject based information gateways: case study ADAM
Nowadays, end-users have quick and direct access to a massive amount of information
available on the Net. However, this information is unorganised expectin g users to be able
to identify and evaluate it in accordance with their information needs. Subject Based Information
Gateways (SBIG), organised collections o f networked information, provide
users with a catalogue o f authoritative Internet resources, which can be searched and/
or browsed. This paper provides an evaluation of one such gatew ay - the Art, Design,
Architecture & M edia Gateway (AD AM ). It provides information on w ho these digital users
are, how often they use the service, what their reasons for use are, which search methods
and services provided they prefer and what are the advantages or disadvantages o f an
online information service.
- Περιοδικά, εφημερίδες [1351]