Now showing items 1-10 of 13
When computer use is associated with Negative science achievement
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
One surprising result of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is that computer use in the classroom was negatively associated with high student achievement in Cyprus, Hong Kong and the USA. The ...
Simulations, applets and learning in schools
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
This paper reviews the problem of establishing learning effects with computer simulation packages in science teaching. It is stated that evidence is accumulating about the effects of simulations in a laboratory environment ...
Islamic Manuscript Collections on the Web: An Evaluation of the User Interfaces
(Multi Science Publishing, 2012-10-29)
This paper presents a survey conducted to provide an overview of the functions and features of digital library user interfaces within the Islamic manuscript context. Based on Internet and bibliographical keyword search, ...
Evaluation of supporting courseware by means of online and offline questionnaires
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)
A template for worked out problems and tutorials on the internet, as presented in former
CBLIS conferences, was recently extended with an evaluation system. At the end of a
session the student is prompted to fill in a ...
An organic chemistry cd-rom as a multi-use tool for learning or teaching
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
This CD-ROM, used by undergraduate first year students in the science faculty, is composed of two sections: the schemes, drawings and animations used in the course on one hand and interactive exercises on the other hand. ...
Virtual biology: do we need the real thing?
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
One of the debates within biology teaching is the appropriate use of animals and plants to enhance the learning experience. In particular significant amounts of time are often set aside within curricula for relevant practical ...
An interactive simulation to evaluate student understanding of moon phase formation
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)
The development of student understanding of phases of the moon is notoriously difficult due to the
spatial reasoning requirements posed by the relative motion of three celestial bodies. We have used the
Greek version of ...
The Physics Assessment and Study Site – An online means to assessing and maintaining course prerequisites
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)
A common and obvious goal of education is student success in a selected course. From an instructional
standpoint, two important factors in determining this success. Firstly, whether the student possesses the
appropriate ...
Potential roles for electronic performance support systems in libraries
(University of Zilina, 2005)
Electronic performance support systems provide a powerful mechanism for helping end-users comprehend complex systems. This paper describes and discusses some research we have undertaken in order to explore their potential ...
Taking an electronic mathematics examination from home: what the students think
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
The Open University’s Science department produced a short course in Mathematics. Its aim was to assist science undergraduates in obtaining the key skills required in order to progress through higher level science modules. ...