Browsing Κυπριακή ερευνητική παραγωγή / Cyprus research production by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 682
Ψυχαγωγικός Όμιλος Λάρνακας
(-1912) -
Φιλόπτωχος Σύλλογος Κυριών Λάρνακας
(1880) -
Φιλόπτωχος Αδελφότης Λευκωσίας
(1883) -
Φιλόμουσος Σύνδεσμος
(1890) -
(1909) -
Φιλόπτωχος Αδελφότης Κυρηνείας
(1927) -
Τα Πάτρια
(1927) -
Φιλόπτωχος Πόλης Χρυσοχούς
(1929) -
(1931) -
Φιλόπτωχο Σωματείο Άγιος Μάμας
(1931) -
Τουρκική Εμπορική Λέσχη Σκάλας
(1931) -
Η εικόνα της Αιγύπτου στην αρχαία ελληνική τραγωδία
(Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, 1997)Η εργασία αυτή καταπιάνεται με τέσσερα βασικά στοιχεία: το πρώτο εστιάζει στην ιστορία της σχέσης μεταξύ των Αιγυπτίων και των Ελλήνων και τις καμπύλες της ανάμεσα στην συμπάθεια και την αντιπάθεια. Αυτό που στην πραγματικότητα ... -
Planning, designing and evaluating CBL hypermedia applications
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)This paper presents some criteria about how to plan, design, evaluate and use a CBL hypermedia application. In our university, four years ago, we started a new program called "Multimedia Integrated Model for Active Learning" ... -
Evaluation of supporting courseware by means of online and offline questionnaires
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)A template for worked out problems and tutorials on the internet, as presented in former CBLIS conferences, was recently extended with an evaluation system. At the end of a session the student is prompted to fill in a ... -
Another way to teach non-congruency
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)New technologies in education allow and sometimes demand changes in school curricula. They enable children to look into those parts of science, which have been forbidden to them because of too high a level of required imagination ... -
Agent based cooperative learning System (saca)
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)Over the last several years, there has been significant progress in techniques for creating autonomous agent, i.e. systems that are capable of performing tasks and achieving goals in complex, dynamic environments. These agents ... -
Systematic analysis of the potential contribution of communication and information tools to the design and development of research-based science curriculum
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)Computer technology has received much attention as a means of reforming educational practice in Physics. It is widely believed that technology could function as a medium for bringing about the necessary reform to ... -
A virtual teaching and learning Environment
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)We may say the knowledge is the new global asset – so people have to be continually learning, crafting innovative solutions to changing circumstances, staying informed and responsive. Computer Based Learning (CBL) ... -
A virtual laboratory for data communications
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)University(CQU), formerly Capricorn Institute of Advanced Education(CIAE). Throughout this period, staff have struggled to meet the challenge of creating an engaging educational experience that can be delivered to all students. ...