Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Open distance inter-university synergies Between Εurope, Αfrica and the middle east (odiseame)
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
The challenge facing new technologies is whether they can contribute to a qualitative step up and to education for all as a process of facilitating the development of creative people with the ability to think critically ...
Fostering science education objectives with teacher-made computer games
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
The new generation of learners in today's schools is accustomed to a digital world. The students are surrounded by visual stimuli and are becoming proficient in areas not on the test! Their new ways of learning offer ...
Symposium proposal computer-based modeling in science: the case of stagecast creator
(University of Zilina, 2005)
There is a longstanding awareness of the need to help students learn about models and modeling in science, and computer-based programming environments are promising tools for this. A computer program can be a model of a ...
Enhancing fourth graders’ ability to interpret graphical representations through the use of sensors in the context of phase transformations (melting and freezing)
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
Sensors constitute a powerful tool in physical science as far as the rapid collection and analysis of data is concerned. In addition to the rapid collection of data, sensors are valued for their capability in the simultaneous ...
Stagecast creator and webct: an integrated use of computer programming and a virtual learning environment for developing modelling skills
(University of Zilina, 2005)
This paper reports on an effort to use Stagecast CreatorTM as a means for developing modelling skills among undergraduate students taking an introductory course in science that took place in a virtual learning environment ...
The e-learning movement as a process of quality improvement in education: the case of the University of Cyprus
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
Quality in education has been regognized as an issue that should guide our efforts for improvement for many years. eLearning is the latest attempt to take advantage of developments in technology to improve learning. In ...