The Greek library of francesco patrizi and the sources of del gover-no de' regni
The first part of the article analyses the Greek codices in the possession of Francesco Patrizi da Cherso that were sold to Philip II in 1575. The second part examines Del Governo de' regni, a translation of Simeon Seth's Stephanites kai Ichnelates. The text poses various textual and philological problems. First, the identity of the translator and the problem of Greek sources, which are identified here in the Escorialense Y.m.6, a manuscript that contains two versions of the Stephanites. The comparison between these two versions and Del Govemo de' regni, and the examination of the translation allow the attribution of Del Govemo de' regni to Francesco Patrizi.
- Περιοδικά, εφημερίδες [1351]