Now showing items 1961-1980 of 3927

    • Digital processing of SEM images for the assessment of evaluation indexes of cleaning interventions on Pentelic marble surfaces 

      Μοροπούλου, Αντωνία; Δελέγλου, Ε.Τ.; Βλαχάκης, Β.; Καραβίτη, Ε.; Vlahakis, V.; Moropoulou, Antonia; Delegou, E.T.; Karaviti, E. (2007)
      In this work, digital processing of scanning-electron-microscopy images utilized to assess cleaning interventions applied on the Pentelic marble surfaces of the National Archaeological Museum and National Library in Athens, ...
    • Difference information needs of Emergency Department staff: getting relevant evidence from a clinical librarian program 

      Λάππα, Ευαγγελία; Lappa, Evagelia (2004)
      One of the most important transformations that will occur in Emergency Departments (ED) in hospitals over the next few years is the application of new information technologies in clinical practice (1). In particular, it ...
    • Defining a semantic mapping of VRA Core 4.0 to the CIDOC conceptual reference model 

      Γεργατσούλης, Μανώλης; Γαϊτάνου, Πανωραία; Gergatsoulis, Manolis; Gaitanou, Panorea (2012)
      In the recent decades, we have witnessed a tremendous proliferation of metadata schemas, particularly in the cultural heritage domain. As a consequence, cultural heritage communities face a growing need to integrate these ...
    • Modelling the Public Sector Information through CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model 

      Μπουντούρη, Λίνα; Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Γεργατσούλης, Μανώλης; Gergatsoulis, Manolis; Bountouri, Lina; Papatheodorou, Christos (2010)
      Nowadays, due to the growing development of eGovernment information systems, there is an increasing need to handle Public Sector Information (PSI) in a homogeneous way. Ontologies are currently a powerful tool to act as ...
    • A preservation policy maturity model: a practical tool for Greek libraries and archives 

      Γκίννη, Ζωίτσα; Gkinni, Zoitsa (2014)
      In 2011 in Greece, a nationwide survey into the preservation status of collections of public, municipal, academic and bank libraries, including the General State Archives, wascompleted. The survey was part of a larger ...
    • Electronic and Digital Resources in the Humanities 

      Τόγια, Ασπασία; Σεμερτζίδου, Η.; Semertzidou, H.; Togia, Aspasia (2009)
      The aim of the paper is to present the effect of electronic resources on the Humanities and to discuss the role of the library in the changing environment of resource provision and access. A number of recently published ...
    • Policy model for national and academic digital collections 

      Καπιδάκης, Σαράντος; Κουλούρης, Αλέξανδρος; Kapidakis, Sarantos; Koulouris, Alexandros (2005)
      The access and reproduction policies of the digital collections of fifteen leading academic and national digital libraries worldwide are classified according to factors such as the creation type of the material, acquisition ...
    • The Greek library scene: an overview 

      Παπάζογλου, Αλεξάνδρα; Papazoglou, Alexandra (1994)
      Paper presented at the Fourth National Congress of Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists held in Braga, Portugal, in Mar 92. In Greece, libraries are low priority and the profession has little status. Over the last ...
    • Consortial journal licensing: experiences of Greek academic libraries 

      Δέρβου, Κλωντίνη (Ξενίδου-Δέρβου, Κλωντίνη); Dervou, Claudine (Xenidou-Dervou, Claudine) (2001)
      The dramatic price increases in journals subscriptions over the past 30 years have undermined the ability of academic libraries to sustain their collections development a t the level necessary to support educational and ...
    • Neuordnung(en) der Handschriften der Wiener Hofbibliothek im Barockzeitalter 

      Gastgeber, Christian (2011)
      The article traces the history of cataloging books and the order in which they were displayed in the early years of the 17th century in the Wiener Hofbibliothek, the Viennese court library. Beginning with the years 1608-1636, ...
    • A resource description device used for more efficient library services 

      Δενδρινός, Μάρκος; Dendrinos, Markos (2002)
      A special portable device designed for retrieving concise library resource descriptions by the user is presented in this article. The device reads a bar code attached to the back of the resource and searches for the ...
    • Η κοινωνική ευθύνη των βιβλιοθηκών 

      Γεωργοπούλου, Βαρβάρα; Georgopoulou, Barbara (Οργανωτική Επιτροπή Ενίσχυσης Βιβλιοθηκών, 2009)
      Η σύγχρονη βιβλιοθήκη, η βιβλιοθήκη στην οποία θα έχουν πρόσβαση όλοι οι πολίτες, καλείται να διαδραματίσει σημαντικό ρόλο στην οργάνωση της πρόσβασης στη γνώση και τη διαμόρφωση ενός προτύπου, που θα ανταποκρίνεται στην ...
    • Σχολικές βιβλιοθήκες: πηγή έμπνευσης και δημιουργίας στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία 

      Αρβαντά, Αγγελική; Arvanta, Angeliki (Οργανωτική Επιτροπή Ενίσχυσης Βιβλιοθηκών, 2010)
      Οι βιβλιοθήκες στη μακροχρόνια πορεία τους χρησιμοποιήθηκαν με διάφορες έννοιες και επιτελούσαν διάφορους σκοπούς, διοικητικούς, θρησκευτικούς, επιστημονικούς, μορφωτικούς, ψυχαγωγικούς κ.λπ. «Η σχολική βιβλιοθήκη είναι ...
    • Speech on the policies of open access 

      Harnad, Stevan (2010)
    • A transformation technique for datalog programs based on non-deterministic constructs 

      Γεργατσούλης, Μανώλης; Ροντογιάννης, Παναγιώτης; Ποτίκας, Πέτρος; Gergatsoulis, Manolis; Rondogiannis, Panos; Potikas, Petros (2001)
      Recently, a novel transformation technique for Datalog programs, called the branching-time transformation, was introduced by the authors. In this paper we propose a significant extension of the branching-time transformation ...
    • Große Pläne trotz schwerer Krise 

      Buck, Gerlinde (2012)
      The article describes plans for construction of a national library in Athens, Greece, in spite of the nation's ongoing sovereign debt crisis. A description of the library and its facilities is presented, along with an ...
    • Exploratory Research Regarding Faculty Attitudes towards the Institutional Repository and Self Archiving 

      Κυριακή-Μάνεση, Δάφνη; Κουλούρης, Αλέξανδρος; Γιαννακόπουλος, Γεώργιος Α.; Ζέρβος, Σπύρος; Giannakopoulos, Georgios A.; Zervos, Sryridon; Koulouris, Alexandros; Kyriaki Manesi, Daphne (2012)
      Over the past year the Library of the TEI of Athens has launched an Institutional Repository containing Faculty's published and unpublished work, students’ theses and a major collection called “Institutional Archives”. The ...
    • Linking the (un)linked data through backlinks 

      Παπαδάκης, Ιωάννης; Στεφανιδάκης, Μιχάλης; Papadakis, Ioannis; Stefanidakis, Michalis (2011)
      This paper proposes a framework capable of enhancing the interlinking between Linked Open Data - LOD repositories. Such interlinking is achieved through the realization of back-linking. Backlinking refers to the consistent ...
    • Libraries and information in the Near East and Central Asia 

      Francis, S. (1995)
      Reports results of a survey, based largely on published sources but supplemented by visits to certain countries, of the current state of libraries and information in the Near East and Central Asia. The following countries ...