Now showing items 21-40 of 40

    • A multi-layer metadata schema for digital folklore collections. 

      Νικολαϊδου, Μάρα; Λουρδή, Ειρήνη; Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Nikolaidou, Mara; Lourdi, Eirini; Papatheodorou, Christos (2007)
      Digital folklore collections are valuable sources for studying the cultural and oral tradition of a country. The main difficulty in managing such collections is material heterogeneity (handwritten texts, photographs, 3D ...
    • A New Architecture and Approach to Asset Representation for Europeana Aggregation: The CARARE Way 

      Δάλλας, Κωστής; Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Γαβρίλης, Δημήτρης; Κωνσταντόπουλος, Πάνος; Αγγελής, Σταύρος; Ertmann-Christiansen, Christian; Fernie, Kate; Emilia Masci, Maria; Dallas, Costis; Gavrilis, Dimitris; Constantopoulos, Panos; Angelis, Stavros; Papatheodorou, Christos (2011)
      This paper presents a new metadata aggregation approach based on a mediating repository that intends to ensure the integrity, authenticity and semantic enrichment of metadata provided to Europeana by heterogeneous collections. ...
    • On cultural heritage metadata 

      Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Papatheodorou, Christos (2012)
      The management of cultural heritage metadata is a multifaceted process depending on the diversity and heterogeneity of the cultural objects, the structure of their collections and the information needs of the communities ...
    • Ontology-Based Metadata Integration in the Cultural Heritage Domain 

      Στασινοπούλου, Θωμαΐς; Μπουντούρη, Λίνα; Κακάλη, Κωνσταντία; Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Λουρδή, Ειρήνη; Γεργατσούλης, Μανώλης; Doerr, Martin; Stasinopoulou, Thomais; Kakali, Constantia; Gergatsoulis, Manolis; Lourdi, Eirini; Bountouri, Lina; Papatheodorou, Christos (2007)
      In this paper, we propose an ontology-based metadata integration methodology for the cultural heritage domain. The proposed real - world approach considers an integration architecture in which CIDOC/CRM ontology acts as a ...
    • Preliminary Work Towards Publishing Vocabularies for Germplasm and Soil Data as Linked Data 

      Pesce, Valeria; Geser, Guntram; Caracciolo, Caterina; Keizer, Johannes; L'Abate, Giovanni (2013)
      The agINFRA project focuses on the production of interoperable data in agriculture, starting from the vocabularies and KOS used to classify and an-notate them. In this paper we report on our first steps in the direction ...
    • A prototype metadata-driven decision support tool for scholarly literature reviews 

      Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ; Ρουσίδης, Δημήτρης; Μπαλατσούκας, Παναγιώτης; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Rousidis, Dimitris; Balatsoukas, Panos (2012)
      The aim of this paper is to present the main components of a novel metadata-driven decision support tool for scholarly literature reviews, called PANDORA. The purpose of the tool is to make use of data mining, as a means ...
    • Providing LOD-based functionality in digital libraries 

      Παπαδάκης, Ιωάννης; Κυπριανός, Κωνσταντίνος; Papadakis, Ioannis; Kyprianos, Konstantinos (2012)
      Libraries and other memory institutions have wasted no time in realizing that linked data technologies provide the necessary means to solve important interoperability issues that have been plaguing the community for decades. ...
    • Query Transformation in a CIDOC CRM Based Cultural Metadata Integration Environment 

      Γεργατσούλης, Μανώλης; Γαϊτάνου, Πανωραία; Μπουντούρη, Λίνα; Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Gergatsoulis, Manolis; Gaitanou, Panorea; Bountouri, Lina; Papatheodorou, Christos (2010)
      The wide use of a number of cultural heritage metadata schemas imposes the development of new interoperability techniques that facilitate unified access to cultural resources. In this paper, we focus on the ontology based ...
    • Semantic based substitution of unsupported access points in the library meta-search environments 

      Καπιδάκης, Σαράντος; Σφακάκης, Μιχάλης; Kapidakis, Sarantos; Sfakakis, Michalis (2008)
      Meta-searching library communities involve access to sources where metadata are invisible behind query interfaces. Many of the query interfaces utilize predefined abstract Access Points for the implementation of the search ...
    • Semantic Integration of Collection Description 

      Λουρδή, Ειρήνη; Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Doerr, Martin; Lourdi, Eirini; Papatheodorou, Christos (2009)
      The article discusses the semantic metadata integration and mapping of CIDOC/Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) and Dublin Core Collections Application Profile (DCCAP) in cultural heritage domain. It notes that the mapping ...
    • The Semantic Mapping of Archival Metadata to the CIDOC CRM Ontology 

      Μπουντούρη, Λίνα; Bountouri, Lina (2011)
      In this article we analyze the main semantics of archival description, expressed through Encoded Archival Description (EAD). Our main target is to map the semantics of EAD to the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC ...
    • A semantic mapping of VRA Core 4.0 to the CIDOC conceptual reference model 

      Γεργατσούλης, Μανώλης; Γαϊτάνου, Πανωραία; Gergatsoulis, Manolis; Gaitanou, Panorea (2011)
      In the recent decades, we have witnessed a tremendous proliferation of metadata schemas, particularly in the cultural heritage domain. As a consequence, there is a growing need to integrate these schemas to solve a number ...
    • Semantic Web: a State of the Art Survey 

      Κανελλόπουλος, Δημήτριος; Κοτσιάντης, Σωτήρης; Kanellopoulos, Dimitris; Kotsiantis, Sotiris (2007)
      The semantic web i.t an extension of the current web in which infonnation is given well-defined meaning. It is a concept that enables better machine processing of information on the web, by structuring documents written ...
    • Semantic, Constraint and Preference Based Authoring of Multi-topic Multimedia Presentations 

      Τσιναράκη, Χριστίνα; Συντζανάκη, Αθηνά; Χριστοδουλάκης, Σταύρος; Πολύδωρος, Παναγιώτης; Tsinaraki, Chrisa; Polydoros, Panagiotis; Syntzanaki, Athina; Christodoulakis, Stavros; Perego, Andrea; Martin, Alessandro (2006)
      We present in this paper an integrated system that allows the management and annotation of multimedia objects stored in MPEG-7/21 repositories, and the specification and semi-automatic generation of multimedia presentations ...
    • A survey on the importance of learning object metadata for relevance judgment 

      Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ; Μπαλατσούκας, Παναγιώτης; Σιάτρη, Ράνια; Ασδέρη, Στυλιανή; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Balatsoukas, Panos; Asderi, Styliani; Siatri, Rania (2011)
      The purpose of this study was to investigate university students' perceptions about the usefulness - importance of learning object metadata elements of the UK LOM Core application profile when judging the relevance of ...
    • Towards text copyright detection using metadata in web applications 

      Μπώκος, Γιώργος Δ.; Πούλος, Μάριος Σ.; Κορφιάτης, Νικόλαος; Poulos, Marios S.; Korfiatis, Nikolaos; Bokos, George D. (2011)
      This paper aims to present the semantic content identifier (SCI), a permanent identifier, computed through a linear-time onion-peeling algorithm that enables the extraction of semantic features from a text, and the integration ...
    • Understanding in-library use data lifecycle within Greek and Spanish higher education ecosystems 

      Σαντ-Γερονικολού, Σταυρούλα; Sant-Geronikolou, Stavroula (2018)
      As learning analytics, an emergent field, nowadays is seen as a way to break barriers to intra-institutional collaboration that will ultimately lead to educational deep transformational change, HE administrators and library ...
    • The Use of Metadata for Educational Resources in Digital Repositories: practices and Perspectives 

      Κουτσομητρόπουλος, Δημήτριος Α.; Αλεξόπουλος, Ανδρέας Δ.; Σολωμού, Γεωργία Δ.; Παπαθεοδώρου, Θεόδωρος; Koutsomitropoulos, Dimitrios A.; Alexopoulos, Andreas D.; Solomou, Georgia D.; Papatheodorou, Theodore (2010)
      The wide availability of educational resources is a common objective for universities, libraries, archives and other knowledge-intensive institutions. Although generic metadata specifications (such as Dublin Core) seem to ...
    • Εξαγωγή Φράσεων από κείμενα: Εφαρμογές και Πλεονεκτήματα για τις ελληνικές Βιβλιοθήκες 

      Γιαννοπούλου, Ελένη Θ.; Giannopoulou, Eleni Th. (Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών (ΣΑΕΒ), 2015)
      Η «Εξαγωγή Φράσεων» (Keyterm Extraction) από κείμενα, ενώ αποτελεί μια ιδέα που εδώ και αρκετά χρόνια έχει απασχολή- σει την ερευνητική κοινότητα, έχει διαμορφωθεί κάτω από διαφορετικό πρίσμα τα τελευταία χρόνια λόγω της ...