Browsing CBLIS Conference Proceedings 2007 Contemporary Perspective on new technologies in science and education by Author "Learning in Science Group, University of Cyprus"
Now showing items 1-20 of 56
Applying technology acceptance model to Measure it students’ attitude towards a hybrid Communication skills course
Rigopoulos, George; Keklikoglou, Ioannis; Sgouropoulou, Cleo (University of Cyprus, 2007)In this paper we demonstrate the application of a revised TAM model for measuring IT students’ attitude towards eLearning for a hybrid communication skills module. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in its original form and ... -
Approaches to the evaluation of elearning
Kapounová, Jana (University of Cyprus, 2007)The development of eLearning is a rapidly expanding area of education and it has become a phenomenon in the learning and knowledge society of the 21st century. Many schools – from basic to universities have adopted ... -
Assessing online instruction: an evolutionary approach
Lee Hench, Thomas (University of Cyprus, 2007)In evolutionary biology, the contribution of those traits evolved by the natural selection process determines the fitness of an organism, that is, the degree to which it is successful in surviving and reproducing in its ... -
Can learning physics be fun? - Water park Physics
Pasek, Vladimir; Wright, Peter (University of Cyprus, 2007)Students enjoy going to the water park where they descend water slides and swim or jump around in a wave pool. Teachers work hard to make Physics enjoyable in a classroom situation. Since the 1980’s, Amusement Park Physics ... -
Card game: attempts by primary level Education pupils to learn binary encoding
Kordaki, Maria; Mpimpas, Christos (University of Cyprus, 2007)This paper focuses on the learning of binary encoding by primary school pupils within a learning experiment mainly based on their being involved in playing a game. In fact, nineteen 6th Grade pupils participated in ... -
The changed dynamics of teaching on-campus Students
Varsavsky, Cristina (University of Cyprus, 2007)Traditional universities in Australia seek to provide academic programs based on a high quality campus experience for undergraduate students, where the role of technology is to enhance this campus experience. While the ... -
Computer assisted formative assessment: supporting students to become more reflective Learners
Whitelock, Denise (University of Cyprus, 2007)e-Assessment is being advocated in the UK as our way of introducing a more personalised learning agenda throughout the Higher Education sector. This paper discusses the findings from two projects where formative eassessment has ... -
Computer-based antenna education at the Technological educational institute of crete
Vardiambasis, I. O.; Vardiambasis, K.; Melesanaki, T.; Papadimitriou, D.; Zaoutis, E.; Zacharopoulos, V.; Mavredakis, M. (University of Cyprus, 2007)In the past most electronic engineering students tended to have repulsion against subjects related to microwaves, electromagnetics and antennas, especially due to their abstract, theoretically demanding, and complex mathematics ... -
Computer-supported informal learning in an Electronic village of local interest
Akoumianakis, Demosthenes; Kotsalis, Dimitrios; Vellis, George; Miliodakis, Giannis; Bidakis, Nikolas (University of Cyprus, 2007)We present an approach and a collection of tools, which advance a perspective on learning, informed by sociological theory of ‘group stabilization’ and ‘situated action-reflection’. The former serves as a theoretical guide ... -
Concept-driven learning goal for flex-el
Pongpech, Alex; Orlowska, Maria; Sadiq, Shazia (University of Cyprus, 2007)There are a number of universities offering course material through elearning or web-based learning. The common practice is that these courses are available only for those learners who are seeking degree curriculum. ... -
Courseware material re-use via model driven Lms platform integration
Bizonová, Zuzana; Ranc, Daniel (University of Cyprus, 2007)The success of the e-learning paradigm observed in recent times created a growing demand for e-learning systems in universities and other educational institutions, that itself led to the development of a number of ... -
Design and implementation of integrated Laboratory activities with measurements, Data analysis and modelling
Tsakiri, Maria; Hatzikraniotis, Euripides (University of Cyprus, 2007)The Lab-based course, that is described in the present work, is offered to first year university students of Physics, mainly aiming to introduce students to the basic concepts and familiarize them with the use of Computers ... -
The design, implementation, and evaluation of an environmental-based cscl task with 5th and 6th graders
Karasavvidis, Ilias; Malandrakis, George; Chrisostomou, Charalambos; Tsiatsianas, Christos (University of Cyprus, 2007)The present paper aims to report on the progressive design, development, and evaluation of an environmentalbased computer supported collaborative learning task for upper primary school students. In the first section of ... -
Developing a computer ethics module for it Students within an e-learning environment
Rigopoulos, George; Keklikoglou, Ioannis (University of Cyprus, 2007)ELearning technologies and platforms have widely been adopted by educational institutes, such as universities and schools, either to facilitate traditional teaching methods or to provide autonomous distance learning ... -
Dietetics-software programs and computerbased Learning
Fragkiadakis, Georgios A.; Dimitropoulakis, Petros; Markaki, Maria; Markaki, Anastasia (University of Cyprus, 2007)Dietetics-software programs integrate the automation of many clinical nutrition and food-management functions. Clinical Dietetics activities such as nutrition screening, nutrition assessment, diet-order entry, patient ... -
The dual form of further education Of educators in ict: technological and pedagogical training
Kalogiannakis, Michail (University of Cyprus, 2007)In this research the results from an exploratory study conducted in the Greek context for the programme “Further Education of Educators in the Use and Development of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in the ... -
An e-learning framework For wound image understanding
Prodan, Augustin; Câmpean, Remus; Rusu, Madalina; Prodan, Rodica (University of Cyprus, 2007)This paper presents a Java based e-learning framework for analyzing, processing and understanding wound images, to be used in teaching, learning and research activities. We intend to promote e-learning technologies in medical, ... -
E-learning platform evaluation through Multicriteria analysis
Rigopoulos, George; Psarras, John; Keklikoglou, Ioannis (University of Cyprus, 2007)In this paper we present a multicriteria methodology for supporting institutes’ decisions on eLearning platform evaluation. Based on previous research, we define a set of evaluation criteria, define appropriate weights ... -
Educational model of the merchant marine Engineers’ continuous education with the use Of asynchronous distance education
Papachristos, Dimitrios; Tsoukalas, Vasilios; Alafodimos, Constantinos; Tselenti, Nota; Mattheu, Lisa (University of Cyprus, 2007)The rapid development of science and technology has created a very high level of requirements pertaining to knowledge necessary for man’s professional career. On the other hand, in contemporary Information Society (InfS), ... -
Educational software on the ozone layer Depletion
Psomiadis, Ploutarchos; Chalkidis, Anthimos; Saridaki, Anna; Tampakis, Constantine (Konstantinos); Skordoulis, Constantine (University of Cyprus, 2007)This paper describes the design and the formative evaluation of educational software concerning the ‘Depletion of the Ozone Layer’ designed for the students of the Faculty of Primary Education (pre-service teachers) of ...