Now showing items 433-452 of 1351

    • Motivation to learn and learning strategies: IT courses in a library and information science department 

      Τόγια, Ασπασία; Κορομπίλη-Ξαντίδου, Στέλλα; Μάλλιαρη, Αφροδίτη; Togia, Aspasia; Korobili - Xantinidou, Stella; Malliari, Aphrodite (2012)
      Περιέχει το πλήρες κείμενο
    • Moving from print to electronic: a survival guide for Greek academic libraries 

      Δέρβου, Κλωντίνη (Ξενίδου-Δέρβου, Κλωντίνη); Dervou, Claudine (Xenidou-Dervou, Claudine) (2003)
      Starting on 1 January 2003, all members of HEAL-Link (Hellenic Academic Libraries Link, that is all academic and most research libraries inGreece) cancelled all subscriptions from 13 major publishers and replaced them with ...
    • A multi-layer metadata schema for digital folklore collections. 

      Νικολαϊδου, Μάρα; Λουρδή, Ειρήνη; Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Nikolaidou, Mara; Lourdi, Eirini; Papatheodorou, Christos (2007)
      Digital folklore collections are valuable sources for studying the cultural and oral tradition of a country. The main difficulty in managing such collections is material heterogeneity (handwritten texts, photographs, 3D ...
    • Multidimensional RDF 

      Γεργατσούλης, Μανώλης; Λιλής, Παντελής Δ.; Gergatsoulis, Manolis; Lilis, Pantelis D. (2005)
      RDF has been proposed by W3C as a metadata model and language for representing information about resources in WWW. In this paper we introduce Multidimensional RDF (or MRDF), as an extension of RDF, suitable for representing ...
    • Multidimensional XPath 

      Γεργατσούλης, Μανώλης; Φουστέρης, Νικόλαος; Σταύρακας, Γιάννης; Gergatsoulis, Manolis; Fousteris, Nikolaos; Stavrakas, Yannis (2008)
      In Web applications it is often required to manipulate information of semistructured nature, which may present variations according to different circumstances. Multidimensional XML (MXML) is an extension of XML suitable ...
    • Multilingual Digital Libraries: a review of issues in system-centered and user-centered studies, information retrieval and user behavior 

      Βασιλακάκη, Ευγενία; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ; Vasilakaki, Evgenia; Garoufallou, Emmanouel (2013)
      Purpose: This study aims to identify, collect and critical review the research literature on Multilingual Digital Libraries in English language from 1997 to 2012. Design/methodology/approach: The present literature review ...
    • Multimedia contents and management 

      Χριστοδουλάκης, Σταύρος; Borbinha, José; Ching-chih, Chen (2006)
    • Multivariate relationship and discriminant validity between job satisfaction and burnout 

      Τόγια, Ασπασία; Τσιγγίλης, Νικόλαος; Κουστέλιος, Αθανάσιος; Togia, Aspasia; Koustelios, Athanasios; Tsigilis, Nikolaos (2004)
      Job satisfaction and burnout are two multidimensional constructs, which represent affective work responses. The present study was designed to examine: the multivariate relationship between burnout and job satisfaction, and ...
    • Music librarianship and creativity: the case of International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) 

      Λαβράνος, Χαρίλαος; Lavranos, Charilaos (2018)
      International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) aims to promote activities and cooperation between music libraries worldwide. IAML configures policies affecting to set up their working ...
    • Name and Title Authorities in the Music Domain: alignment of UNIMARC Authorities Format with RDA 

      Aslanidi, Maria; Papadakis, Ioannis; Stefanidakis, Michalis (2017)
      This article discusses and highlights alignment issues that arise between UNIMARC Authorities Format and Resource Description and Access (RDA) regarding the creation of name and title authorities for musical works and ...
    • National Documentation Centre: software development for public databases management 

      Σκουρλάς, Χρίστος; Skourlas, Christos (1998)
      The aspects of organising and running a Greek Information Service for Greek Public Access Data Bases are presented. Initially, the major problems are discussed. Such problems are: delay in the establishment of the Public ...
    • National Libraries and People with Disabilities 

      Κουλικούρδη, Άννα; Koulikourdi, Anna (2007)
      The purpose of national libraries is to provide full access to the information society for everybody, including people with disabilities. This paper describes the role of national libraries in the provision of library ...
    • National Library of Greece: automation and choice of format 

      Μπώκος, Γιώργος Δ.; Bokos, George D. (1992)
      Discusses the current state of library automation and choice of formats in libraries in Greece focusing on the automation activities of the National Library of Greece and reasons for the selection of UNIMARC. Examines basic ...
    • The National Library of Greece: its Situation and Prospects for Development with a Note on Academic Libraries in Greece 

      Ζάχος, Γεώργιος Κ.; Zachos, Georgios K. (2008)
      The National Library of Greece (NLG) has had a long and checkered career. Founded in the earliest years of the modern Greek state, it has long been a repository of books, newspapers, and other materials relating to Greece ...
    • The National Library of Greece: redefining Its Role and Organization 

      Σκρέτας, Γιώργος; Skretas, Georgios (1985)
    • The necessity of information literacy education in a marketing department 

      Κορομπίλη-Ξαντίδου, Στέλλα; Τηλικίδου, Ειρήνη; Korobili - Xantinidou, Stella; Tilikidou, Irene (2005)
      To provide reliable data for the development of efficient information literacy education in a department of a higher educational institute in Thessaloniki, Greece. It requires in-depth understanding of the current situation ...
    • Neukatalogisierung der griechischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek 

      Kaltwasser, F G (1992)
      Recataloguing began in 1992. The 651 manuscripts on theology, classical and Byzantine literature from the largest collection of Greek manuscripts in Germany. The last catalogue was produced 170 years ago. Negotiations took ...
    • Neuordnung(en) der Handschriften der Wiener Hofbibliothek im Barockzeitalter 

      Gastgeber, Christian (2011)
      The article traces the history of cataloging books and the order in which they were displayed in the early years of the 17th century in the Wiener Hofbibliothek, the Viennese court library. Beginning with the years 1608-1636, ...
    • A New Architecture and Approach to Asset Representation for Europeana Aggregation: The CARARE Way 

      Δάλλας, Κωστής; Παπαθεοδώρου, Χρήστος; Γαβρίλης, Δημήτρης; Κωνσταντόπουλος, Πάνος; Αγγελής, Σταύρος; Ertmann-Christiansen, Christian; Fernie, Kate; Emilia Masci, Maria; Dallas, Costis; Gavrilis, Dimitris; Constantopoulos, Panos; Angelis, Stavros; Papatheodorou, Christos (2011)
      This paper presents a new metadata aggregation approach based on a mediating repository that intends to ensure the integrity, authenticity and semantic enrichment of metadata provided to Europeana by heterogeneous collections. ...
    • The new central public library for Veria, Greece 

      Dewe, Michael (1991)
      A new central public library is being planned for the town of Veria, Greece, to open in 1995. The building, funded by the Ministry of Education, will have its design selected as the result of a limited architectural ...