Now showing items 1-9 of 9
An innovative inquiry-oriented module on Thermal conductivity: design, development and application
(University of Cyprus, 2008)
In line with current trends about developing teaching learning sequences in science education we have designed
an innovative inquiry oriented module aiming at providing secondary education students with a comprehensive
treatment ...
Talking physics in inquiry based virtual laboratory activities
(University of Cyprus, 2010)
This study refers to secondary students working in a simulated virtual open laboratory environment using “Thermolab”, following an innovative course on thermal phenomena, being engaged in a variety of activities, ranging ...
An open learning environment for thermal phenomena
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)
In this work we present an open learning environment, suitable for teaching Heat and Thermodynamics. The
software consists of two independent visual laboratories (one for Heat and the other for Thermodynamics) and a
series ...
Investigating the use of simulated laboratory for teaching aspects of calorimetry to secondary education students
(University of Zilina, 2005)
Content analysis of textbooks and of research - based innovative approaches suggests that there is not a widely accepted negotiation of the order in which factors that are expressed in relation Q = m c should be ...
Integrating ICT tools in a laboratory teaching sequence of thermal phenomena
(University of Zilina, 2005)
This work refers to aspects of the development and implementation of a sequence of ICT based laboratories and their integration in high school physics in the area of heat. The objective of extensive use of ICT based tools ...
Optilab: design and development of an Integrated virtual laboratory for teaching optics
(University of Cyprus, 2007)
The international research and experience have proved that the approach of studying subjects with the help of
computer and multimedia applications can exceed, to one degree, technical and instructive restrictions of ...
“Pec task explorer”: a tool for Ict supported learning in science
(University of Cyprus, 2010)
In modern science teaching the role of ICT in supporting learning cannot be underestimated, let alone be ignored. Especially for the Predict-Observe-Explain strategy (POE), multimedia-supported POE tasks may be used as a ...
Design and implementation of integrated Laboratory activities with measurements, Data analysis and modelling
(University of Cyprus, 2007)
The Lab-based course, that is described in the present work, is offered to first year university students of Physics,
mainly aiming to introduce students to the basic concepts and familiarize them with the use of Computers ...
A study on science teachers´ use of design features of a simulated visual laboratory to develop active involvement of students in the teaching of thermodynamics at senior high school
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
In this paper we describe a small-scale exploratory study on how in-service science teachers of Greek senior high schools can take advantage of facilities included in a simulated visual Lab to create innovative open ...